Sunday, 12 July 2020


Hi, welcome to Facts from the Past!

Perhaps not the best name, but y'know, I'm a novice blogger and I'm only doing this for fun so the name stays. Anyway, it's not about the name, it's about what the name represents. Which, as you probably guessed, is history.

I've decided to make this blog just to fill my spare time; I love history and have finished studying both Ancient and Modern at university, so I miss researching it all and putting that information somewhere! The blog will help me learn more, and it will entertain you guys (hopefully).

The main posts are going to be a mix of things: fun (random) facts, reviewing history books/documentaries/you name it, exploring different themes of history - literally anything I, or you, want. 

Look out for my posts - I'm going to post once a week!

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